Why cookie cutter tech just doesn’t cut it

“We offer that tool, if only our agents would use it!” These words are uttered by nearly every leader of a brokerage firm. Each day, agents and teams eagerly present the next ‘game-changing’ tool to their brokerage leadership with the promise of it mak… Continue reading

Why (and how) to quit managing time and start managing choices

A real estate sales career doesn’t fit nicely into a 5-day a week, 9-to-5 schedule. After all, real estate agents are entrepreneurs whose living depends on making the most of their time, regardless of what time (or day) it might be. Continue reading

Can your brokerage be tech-savvy or customer-centric? The answer is both.

Real estate continues to see new models try to disrupt the industry’s more traditional framework. From “technology-first” brokerages to the iBuyer movement, movers and shakers dominate the news feeds. To prevail, you must win the consumer and technolog… Continue reading