Rude buyers? Toxic sellers? Here are the do’s and don’ts of firing clients

Letting a client go is never fun or easy. Unfortunately, it’s part of being an entrepreneur and running a business. Here are a few useful tips on ending the client-agent relationship — and preventing challenges from cropping up in the first place. Continue reading

Real estate agents: Create a VIP customer experience

In the competitive real estate arena, customer experience is key to an agent’s success, whether that agent is helping with a purchase, sale or both. Customers have high expectations regarding the level of support provided by their agents — as they shou… Continue reading

Help! 5 strategies for having tough conversations with clients

Buying or selling a home is an extremely personal and emotional transaction. Because of that, you need to be prepared in advance for the kinds of tough conversations you will face. Here are some strategies to help you get through the difficult talks wi… Continue reading