4 ways brokerages can expand their agents’ education

In the constantly changing real estate industry, how do real estate brokerages furnish their agents with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed? Here are some of the top strategies for fostering agent growth through coaching, ongoing education an… Continue reading

3 ways coaching can help you be a better agent

Do you need a coach? The answer lies within you and your needs. A coach doesn’t have to be a paid coach; it could be a mentor, a confidant or a person you hire. As long as you work with a pro, your business will improve in these aspects. Continue reading

Realty One Group embarks on social media training partnership

Katie Lance will now be sharing her social media strategies with Realty One Group agents as part of a new partnership, announced Monday. Continue reading

Lesson Learned: Don’t let ego get in the way of learning

In this weekly column, real estate agents across the nation share stories of the lessons they’ve learned during their time in the industry. This week, coach, trainer and Florida Realtors faculty member Angela Territo. Continue reading

4 tips for finding the right real estate coach for you

You can’t reach the top without others to push and encourage you to live your best life. If you’re thinking about getting a coach, here’s what you should look for. Continue reading

Compass launches no-interest loan program to serve agents

Compass is re-investing some of the money it’s raised back into agents through a new, no-interest loan program aimed at providing its brokers with capital. Continue reading