6 client types every new agent should mentally prepare for

As a new agent, you’ll likely meet all sorts of different clients and personalities. Knowing how to approach each personality type will help you better communicate and navigate obstacles. Continue reading

Don’t be a stealth agent! Even during the COVID-19 crisis

Make it a priority in your daily schedule to connect with current and past clients as well as everyone in your sphere of influence. Continue reading

How to adapt your 2020 business plan in light of coronavirus

Changing a business plan four months into the year requires an in-depth discussion on how to adapt your prospecting, budgeting and overall strategy to tackle the new reality we find ourselves in at present. Continue reading

8 selling realities every real estate agent needs to embrace

In real estate, not only do we sell homes, but also we sell our expertise, our education, our experience and ourselves to clients. Unfortunately, not all real estate agents are naturally equipped with that skill set. Continue reading

6 rules for keeping the deal on track every time

There are six fundamental rules an agent must follow to enable transactions to move forward expeditiously and with integrity. Without these critical elements, the transaction is at risk of collapsing and leaving all parties frustrated and angry in its … Continue reading

How to help sellers (and keep your sanity) through a messy divorce

Home sales resulting from divorce can be fraught with peril, misunderstandings and anger. Here’s how to navigate through this rocky relationship terrain. Continue reading

Don’t pretend to have all the answers: It could come back to bite you

We want to be as resourceful as we can for clients, but as agents, we are not experts in all realms, and we need to make that clear. Instead, we should build our capacity to make good referrals to sources of reliable information so that our clients get… Continue reading

When it’s time to call your broker: 10 issues you should ask for help with

Do you know when it’s time to loop in your broker? Here are 10 situations when agents should think about getting their managing brokers involved in the transaction.

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How to create a daily plan of action that leads to success

I discovered years ago that my productivity increased — and my business goals were more likely to be achieved — if I had a list of things I needed to do each day. Here’s how I create my daily action plan. Continue reading