We’re about that Teams life this June at Inman
This June, Inman’s editorial theme is Teams — we’re going to go deep on all things teams amid this intense seller’s market. Continue reading
This June, Inman’s editorial theme is Teams — we’re going to go deep on all things teams amid this intense seller’s market. Continue reading
At the start of the decade few people even had a smartphone. Now you can complete most of the home-buying process on one. Continue reading
This year the strong will not only survive but also thrive. The pros do what it takes – that’s why they control 90% of the market activity. Continue reading
Running your team from home is manageable and, if done correctly, can be an asset for your team and your family. Continue reading
Once the right group of people is brought together, the business thrives and allows for future growth. Continue reading
It’s not uncommon to hear some team members ask what they need to do to go it alone. And that question makes sense.
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Success rises and falls on your team’s ability to generate income. In order to remain profitable as a team, keep these ten things in mind.
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With so many moving parts and team members always in motion, having a well-defined communications plan ensures a team is operating at its highest efficiency. Continue reading
Don’t let social media posts and industry gossip blind you to the fact that there are many advantages to running and operating an indie real estate team Continue reading
From the part-timers to the full-time agents with millions of dollars in volume each month, how do dedicated team leaders motivate agents of all levels? It’s a mix of financial benefits as well as intrinsic currency. My sales team cultivates positivity… Continue reading