Start with yes and win

It’s the moment of truth. You’ve got that prospect on the phone or face-to-face sitting across from you. The language you use in these situations — in addition to your tone and body language — dictates whether you accomplish your goal or get rejected…. Continue reading

The Real Word: How the industry is showing its value to consumers

Watch Byron Lazine and Nicole White talk about BRIX Real Estate’s Simple Offer program that allows sellers to check out Opendoor’s investor bids right from the brokerage’s website. Continue reading

5 ways to crush Q4 and roll into 2019 full of momentum

If you want to finish 2018 strong and make 2019 your best year ever, I’ve got five actions to help you crush Q4. Continue reading

The Real Word: What does the ‘PayPal Mafia’ mean for agents?

Watch Byron Lazine and Nicole White give a real estate agent’s perspective on industry-related topics. This week, they’ll discuss the ‘PayPal Mafia,’ a supergroup of investors who are setting the tech tone in real estate, and what it means for agents. … Continue reading

The five superpowers of uber-successful real estate agents

One skill you “own” and completely embody. It’s your superpower! But do you even know what yours is?
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5 fantastic objection handlers you can use today

Does getting an objection strike fear throughout your core? Does it stop you in your tracks? Does it throw off your presentation? The way I see it, getting an objection simply means the other party is engaged and considering your offer. Therefore, take… Continue reading