No offers on your latest? 8 ways to kick start a stale listing

Wondering what to do about that “stale bread” listing? Coach Darryl Davis shares strategies to help you get it noticed for all of the right reasons. Continue reading

Navigate uses natural language processing to boost conversion rates: Tech Review

Navigate uses what it learns from phrases, answers and speaking styles, among other written and spoken data points, to categorize people according to Priorities and Learning Styles. Continue reading

6 steps to make 2019 your best year ever

Volatility in the market doesn’t mean you need to lower your expectations. I’m a firm believer that 2019 will be full of opportunity and can be your absolute #BestYearEver. If you agree, I’ve got six steps that should form the foundation of your succes… Continue reading

The challenge of marketing one-of-a-kind properties

Every property is unique, but some have features that really make them stand out. A unique property might be in a remote area, perhaps it has a rare amenity, or it comes with an ultra-high-end price point. Continue reading

6 questions to attract more perfect clients

Let me tell you a quick story. On July 17, 1991, I went to a seminar by one of my mentors, Brian Tracy. Why do I remember the exact date? Because when I stood up to ask a question, it turned into a very memorable experience. Continue reading

Start with yes and win

It’s the moment of truth. You’ve got that prospect on the phone or face-to-face sitting across from you. The language you use in these situations — in addition to your tone and body language — dictates whether you accomplish your goal or get rejected…. Continue reading

5 fantastic objection handlers you can use today

Does getting an objection strike fear throughout your core? Does it stop you in your tracks? Does it throw off your presentation? The way I see it, getting an objection simply means the other party is engaged and considering your offer. Therefore, take… Continue reading

Closing techniques every sales expert should know

Confidence comes from knowing what to say, when to say it and how to say it. So what happens when you raise your confidence in sales situations? Lots of good things, that’s what! Continue reading