The customer buys you first

We in the real estate industry deal with a mountain of technology and an avalanche of information. We shovel through big data in the hope of wowing our potential customers, but I believe the thing that really matters is our ability to relate to people. Continue reading

How real estate vendors can leverage the 6 stages of intent

In the world of B2B marketing, making connections with your audience can feel impersonal. But your audience is still made up of people. These people have needs, and when your product, solution or service can speak to those needs clearly and compellingl… Continue reading

5 emails you should send to your sphere

Even as digital channels like social media, texting, and smart speakers gain traction, the king of all communication channels is still…email. It stands to reason. Email is inexpensive. Everyone has an email address. And it’s measurable Continue reading

How all-in-one tech can make every agent’s life easier (Yes, even yours!)

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’ve got accounts for all sorts of tech tools – many of which you’re paying for month after month – and half of them you barely remember your password.
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The challenge of marketing one-of-a-kind properties

Every property is unique, but some have features that really make them stand out. A unique property might be in a remote area, perhaps it has a rare amenity, or it comes with an ultra-high-end price point. Continue reading

5 fantastic objection handlers you can use today

Does getting an objection strike fear throughout your core? Does it stop you in your tracks? Does it throw off your presentation? The way I see it, getting an objection simply means the other party is engaged and considering your offer. Therefore, take… Continue reading