Zillow is working to block discriminatory ads on its website

The company is working with the attorney general’s office in Washington, D.C. The efforts come amid a growing interest in fighting real estate discrimination. Continue reading

Inman News quiz: Think you’re on top of the week’s biggest stories?

The real estate industry threw some curveballs. Take Inman’s real estate news quiz to demonstrate how strong your talking points and cocktail banter are this week.
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Are property portals worth what they cost? A case study

Being the place where consumers go to start their property search, even with alternate options, often yields more effective results. Take a closer look at the numbers from Mike DelPrete’s homeselling experience here. Continue reading

Reformers at the gate: Progressives set their sights on the housing market

In cities across the country, housing advocates, civil rights groups and defenders of the homeless are chipping away at housing laws, one state at a time. Why now? Continue reading

Inman News quiz: Think you’re on top of the week’s biggest stories?

The real estate industry threw some curveballs. Take Inman’s real estate news quiz to demonstrate how strong your talking points and cocktail banter are this week. Continue reading

Inman News quiz: Think you’re on top of the week’s biggest stories?

The real estate industry threw some curveballs. Take Inman’s real estate news quiz to demonstrate how strong your talking points and cocktail banter are this week. Continue reading