17 social media video ideas for savvy sales pros

You can’t be consistent with your video content if you’ve run out of ideas. Coach Darryl Davis offers plenty of top-notch concepts to keep you in production. Continue reading

7 non-salesy reasons to reach out to your database

A service-oriented approach leaves you and your clients feeling better about every interaction. Coach Darryl Davis offers seven strategies for reaching out in a positive, authentic way. Continue reading

No offers on your latest? 8 ways to kick start a stale listing

Wondering what to do about that “stale bread” listing? Coach Darryl Davis shares strategies to help you get it noticed for all of the right reasons. Continue reading

Save your coin! 15 thrifty listing lead generation tips for agents

There are a lot of ways to generate listings in any market for little investment (other than time). This list from author and coach Darryl Davis should make the thriftiest, most-budget conscious of you happy — whether you are brand new in this business… Continue reading

‘Be a goldfish’: 9 Ted Lasso leadership nuggets we can all learn from

This heartwarming sports comedy packs a punch with life lessons that will carry over to your business with ease. Coach Darryl Davis shares how this series can inspire you to lead your team to their next win. Continue reading

You messed up, now what? Here’s how to take accountability the right way

Mistakes are bound to happen at some point in your career. Coach Darryl Davis shares his wisdom on how to give yourself grace while repairing your mistakes Continue reading

12 things you need to know about getting your real estate license

Know someone who’s thinking about leaving their 9-to-5 jobs and moving into a role in the real estate industry? Darryl Davis outlines the process and what to expect next. Continue reading

Draw the line: 5 tips for setting healthy boundaries

Over-committing, over-serving and people-pleasing can keep you from giving yourself, your business, and your family the time you deserve. Coach Darryl Davis offers strategies for setting both personal and professional boundaries. Continue reading

7 things every agent should do as summer kicks off

Most agents have been driving hard this year, according to coach Darryl Davis, navigating both heavy competition and a changing (and sometimes challenging) market. Here are a few ideas to get the most from your summer season — and stay at the top of yo… Continue reading

5 low or no cost ideas for thrifty 1st year real estate agents

First-year agents are feeling the pinch in their pocketbooks now more than ever. Coach Darryl Davis offers some advice about how to make smart money moves that will push your business forward with low or no-cost ideas. Continue reading