5 ways to milk your real estate content for all it’s worth

Whether you’re looking for impressions, traffic, engagements or conversions, your return on investment for well-executed content marketing will be exceptionally high if you adhere to these five tips. Continue reading

Wanna win that listing? Forget a presentation — shut up and listen

When going into your first meeting with potential seller clients, you must look at the situation as a consultation, not a presentation. Now that you’ve booked the meeting, here’s what you should do before, during and after it. Continue reading

How to throw the best soirée your luxury clients will ever attend

Four leading luxury agents from across the nation shared their best advice for hosting a luxury client event that’ll make you the talk of the town and explain why adding value is the most important aspect of a successful soirée.  Continue reading

8 fresh luxury real estate marketing strategies clients want to see

One way to ensure a smooth high-end transaction is to invest in solid marketing and seize all available opportunities. Here are eight examples of luxury marketing opportunities you can’t afford to miss.  Continue reading