Forget ‘fake it till you make it’: How to truly build confidence

Faking confidence can lead to failure fast, so ignore that cliched advice, and follow these tips on how to build genuine confidence as a new agent.
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How to inspire client confidence in a frenzied market

Transacting in this fast-paced, frenzied market isn’t easy, and for many clients, it may even be extremely stress-inducing. Here’s how keeping your lines open, educating your clients and improving your communication can alleviate some of that anxiety. Continue reading

3 ways to tame the self-doubt beast

Building and maintaining confidence in yourself is not an easy task. It takes hard work, patience, trial and error, but most of all heart. Here are three steps that are helpful in defeating the self-doubt beast. Continue reading

3 ways to unleash your inner confidence

Confidence in business, and basically any interaction in life, is absolutely essential and a key component in building any successful relationship. Just like other skills, it takes learning, practice and execution to effectively use that confidence on … Continue reading