Time-blocking 101: A simple guide for new agents

Time-blocking is an incredible tool for real estate agents, especially those just getting into the industry. This practice encourages you to spend time on the items that have the most impact and ensures you are working at maximum productivity. Here’s h… Continue reading

7 morning habits that’ll set you up for a productive day

In real estate, you have a lot of balls in the air at any given moment, and there are lots of variables that can throw a wrench in your day. Setting yourself up for the best possible outcome every morning is one thing that is in your control. Continue reading

6 time management tips agents can’t succeed without

In the fast-paced real estate environment with so many moving pieces, it’s critical for agents to manage their time wisely. Be the Marie Kondo of time management: Declutter your schedule, and keep only the activities that bring you closer to your goals Continue reading