A ‘Skinny House’ built out of spite? Maybe not, archives show

The super-narrow house in Boston’s North End has long been associated with lore of two brothers fighting over property rights around the Civil War, but newly scrutinized archival documents shows that the tall tale may be erroneous. Continue reading

Just letting off steam? Agents lash out at NAR in post-deadline survey

In the wake of the Aug. 17 deadline, a rising share of agents told the Inman Intel Index that they were frustrated with industry trade groups and have considered leaving the industry. But will this all blow over? Continue reading

10 proven secrets for negotiating face-to-face

Whether you’re negotiating on behalf of buyers or sellers, face-to-face or on Zoom, these 10 tips will help you be a better negotiator in a time when negotiation has never been more critical, Bernice Ross writes. Continue reading

Need a productivity reset? Try these time management tactics

This September, generate a supernova of change, and prepare to thrive well before 2025 arrives using these time management strategies from trainer Rachael Hite. Continue reading

How risky is it to be a real estate agent? The Download

From wire fraud to cybercrime to personal safety, this Realtor Safety Month it’s a good idea to ask the question, “How safe are you, really?” Continue reading

Investors’ expectations for big Fed rate cut rise on new data releases

Investors who fund most mortgages have already priced in several rate cuts, so further declines could depend on what next week’s “dot plot” says about expectations for the pace of future cuts. Continue reading

Trump allies formulating plans to privatize Fannie and Freddie

A new “Wall Street Journal” report reveals that talks about privatization have been taking place since the spring and have included Trump confidants Larry Kudlow and John McEntee. Continue reading

@properties adds business planning tool to tech suite

The in-house developed “Pipeline” automatically pulls client and property information from pl@tform to help agents track progress of current and prospective deals in real time and compare that progress with their personal goals. Continue reading

Rocket is first mortgage lender to raise its conforming loan limits

Rocket will treat loans of up to $802,650 as conforming ahead of expected increase. Last year UWM and Guaranteed Rate also got a jump on the official announcement. Continue reading