10 tips that can save your business’ online reputation

As business greats like Warren Buffett and Benjamin Franklin have pointed out, it takes hard work to build your business’ reputation — and only one mistake to swiftly ruin it. What can you do to protect your business? Here are 10 tips for protecting yo… Continue reading

99 more blog ideas — for sellers

Here are 99 ideas for blog topics that can reach real estate sellers. These content ideas are useful for all online mediums — don’t limit yourself to blog posts. Continue reading

99 blog ideas for buyers 

Good content introduces you to potential clients, builds brand awareness and codifies your value, while prospecting for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Yet one of the biggest pain points agents have is coming up with topics to write about. Here ar… Continue reading

The 10+ greatest real estate and sales books of all time (IMHO)

Everyone should be continuously learning and honing their craft, especially in the ever-changing landscape of real estate. Here are the all-time best real estate and sales books according to Jay Thompson. Continue reading

9 financial tips for new (and not-so-new) agents 

Here are some financial tips and techniques that can help you earn more, save more and prepare for eventual retirement. Continue reading

How to explain the value of a buyer’s agent to clients

There are always clients who think they can just skip the buyer’s agent and work directly with the listing agent — saving money and steps. It usually stems from a misunderstanding on the buyers’ part, but it’s your job to win those clients over.
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How to explain the value of a buyer’s agent to clients

There are always clients who think they can just skip the buyer’s agent and work directly with the listing agent — saving money and steps. It usually stems from a misunderstanding on the buyers’ part, but it’s your job to win those clients over.
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Why the ongoing DOJ vs. NAR battle matters

You need to understand what’s happening in your industry. The DOJ’s most recent action seems to be a giant step backward toward any resolution. Here’s what you should know. Continue reading

Feeling introverted? 7 tips for dealing with people again

Real estate is an intensely extroverted world at times. If you discovered you’re way more of an introvert than you thought during this pandemic, you might find these tips helpful for those times when you need to cross over to the extrovert side as you … Continue reading

61 safety tips every real estate agent should read

As a real estate agent, it’s imperative that you keep safety in the forefront of your mind. Here are 61 safety tips I’ve compiled over the years. Some will seem stunningly obvious; others may be new to you. Even if you’ve heard everything repeated endl… Continue reading