Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for every type of agent

Inman has compiled a list of the best sales for agents, whether you’re just starting out in the industry or a seasoned pro with a taste for extravagance. Continue reading

Should real estate agents block negative people on social media?

To block or not to block, that is the question real estate agents must answer when it comes to their social media. Here’s regular contributor Jay Thompson’s take on the issue. Continue reading

As sales cool, Realtors predict a flat 2019

Realtors, real estate observers, and Inman readers are all reading the tea leaves and predicting a 2019 dominated by a flattening market and little growth. Continue reading

Agent/broker perspective: Should you tell your sphere you’re ill?

A successful Miami real estate agent has been diagnosed with a relatively treatable form of cancer and is struggling with the decision of whether or not to share the news with colleagues and clients. Continue reading

Two-thirds of millennial homeowners suffer from buyer’s remorse

A recent survey revealed that many millennial homeowners regret their decision to purchase after the dust has cleared and they have settled into their new digs. Luckily, agents can help. Continue reading

The polite way to sell a home around the holidays

While most people will be eating pie and exchanging gifts with family, some real estate agents will be hard at work, helping many zealous buyers who hope to get an edge on their competition by placing an offer while everyone else is celebrating. Continue reading

10 tips for a fierce listing presentation in a competitive market

To help you stand out and win the confidence of your potential seller clients, here are 10 tips to make a lasting impression on your next listing presentation. Continue reading