Unexpected repairs leave many homebuyers with regret: survey

One in three homeowners in a recent HomeAdvisor survey say they regretted their purchase after paying for repairs left unfixed by the seller. Continue reading

Homebuilders bolster workforce in July as real estate hiring slows

Real estate employment numbers continued to rise in early July, but some segments of the industry grew faster than others. Continue reading

Dollars and sense: 10 things financially smart agents already know

In this recurring column on all things agent and broker finance, Jack Gross explains why establishing financially savvy habits starts with self-awareness and how he learned that the hard way. Continue reading

Concierge competition is heating up. Here’s how indies can compete 

In the ongoing listings wars, some of the nation’s most heavily funded brokerages have been boasting about their concierge services. It’s worrying for indie brokers, but Troy Palmquist and Linnette Edwards have some ideas on how to compete. Continue reading

7 truths new-build buyers should know upfront

There are plenty of upsides to purchasing a new build, namely the opportunity for complete customization and the happiness that comes with being the first homeowner. However, those upsides come with a few hurdles, such as complicated pricing and projec… Continue reading