Can Medical Marijuana Help People With Dementia?

There may be nothing more painful than looking on, helplessly, while a loved one struggles with the agitation and uncontrolled behaviors of dementia. This is what happened to Greg Spier, as he watched his father, Alex Spier, who suffered from Alzheimer… Continue reading

Where to Find Help for Difficult Caregiving Tasks

Caring for a family member, friend or neighbor whose health is compromised by illness, injury or age can be among life’s greatest challenges. And the results of a new AARP study confirm that many non-professional caregivers are doing more medical and n… Continue reading

How Religious Belief Can Affect Health

Adhering to a well-balanced diet and incorporating exercise into your routine are two well-known ways to improve health. What about religious involvement? Can that also have a positive effect on health and well-being? There’s a growing field of study t… Continue reading

FDA Hears Concerns About the Unregulated CBD Market

Chances are that you, as a patient or consumer, have become a marketing target for cannabis-product sellers. The cannabidiol — a derivative of cannabis also known as CBD — product market is exploding. And that’s exactly why the Food and Drug Administra… Continue reading

‘Reveal’ Investigation Finds Exploitation of Residential Caregivers

(This edited, abridged transcript appeared previously on PBS NewsHour.) Providing for the elderly has become a multibillion-dollar industry, with about 29,000 residential care facilities (run by entrepreneurs who’ve turned single-family homes into assi… Continue reading

How to Give Your Metabolism a Boost

Every weekday, Tammy P.’s* alarm clock goes off at 3:30 a.m., signaling it’s time to sweat. The 60-year-old Miami-based executive and her husband hit their condo’s fitness center together, where she spends 30 minutes incline walking on the treadmill be… Continue reading

How to Use New Federal Ratings of Rehab Services in Nursing Homes

(This article appeared previously in Kaiser Health News.) For the first time, the federal government is shining a spotlight on the quality of rehabilitation care at nursing homes — services used by nearly 2 million older adults each year. Medicare’s Nu… Continue reading

How to Start Weight Training, the Right Way

Exercise — like walking, biking or swimming — is great for us and crucial as we age. But what about weight training? If these two words scare you or conjure up images of Charles Atlas getting sand kicked in his face and then becoming a body-building ki… Continue reading

How Sleep Affects Weight Gain and Loss

(Editor’s note: This podcast is from The Not Old – Better Show.) Today’s show will focus on why sleep is so important for our health. It’s another great one in our Fitness Friday series. We’ll be hearing from returning guest, Sabrena Jo, director of sc… Continue reading

When the Care Is as Burdensome as the Condition

(Editor’s note: This story is part of a series for The John A. Hartford Foundation.) Harold Peterson’s* cardiologist prescribes medications for his heart disease. His primary care physician prescribes medications for his high blood pressure and also de… Continue reading