opening new Opcity tech hub in downtown Austin

Opcity, the real-estate lead generation platform owned by News Corp. subsidiary and operator Move Inc, will soon have a second office in Austin. Continue reading

Rent that epic ‘Big Little Lies’ home for a mere $5K a night

If you love HBO’s ‘Big Little Lies,’ now you have a chance to live like Reese Witherspoon’s character — one of the homes that regularly appears on the series is now available for rent. Continue reading

Parents have more trouble finding the right home: Zillow

Parents who shop for a home are more likely to go over budget, put down a smaller down payment and end up with a longer commute than those who don’t have kids, according to a new Zillow study. Continue reading

Foreclosure rates remain low, but homes hit by natural disasters continue to struggle

Four percent of U.S. homeowners fell into some sort of delinquency on their mortgages in March, down from 4.3 percent a year earlier. Continue reading