How Musicians Are Bringing Joy During the Pandemic

Pueblo, Colo. guitarist and singer Tom Munch has performed everywhere from restaurants to dude ranches to the Royal Gorge Bridge, but nursing home concerts take up much of his time, accounting for 50 gigs a month. That all changed in March, as COVID-19… Continue reading

Should You Consider Taking a Loved One Out of a Long-Term-Care Facility Now?

As modern living as we know it is drastically changing during this pandemic, so is assisted living. Already, many of us are facing difficult decisions about whether someone we know should stay in an assisted living facility or be taken out due to the c… Continue reading

Coronavirus: Protection in Long-Term Care

As confirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to spread across the U.S., concern for our own health and our loved ones’ health is understandably high. It’s especially worrisome for older adults, who are more vulnerable to this infection; fo… Continue reading

Leading the Way in Innovative Affordable Housing for Older Adults

Until recently, Ruth Mariam, 95, of St. Louis, had to spend $50 each way on a cab ride to get from her apartment to her doctor. Otherwise, she’d have to ask one of her children to take off work to give her a lift. But in September, that changed when he… Continue reading

What Could Help ‘The Forgotten Middle’ Afford Retirement Housing?

In the 1970s, many teenage boomers practically lived at the mall, trying on clothes at The Gap, eating pretzels at Hot Sam’s and buying albums at Tower Records. Little did they know that by 2029, they might literally be living at the mall. Converting s… Continue reading

2020 Election: Analyzing the Sanders Plan for Long-Term Care

(Editors’ note: Since this article was published on July 11, 2019, Democratic presidential hopefuls Sen. Cory Booker and Sen. Amy Klobuchar released long-term care proposals. Booker’s long-term care plan would make it easier to qualify for Medicaid cov… Continue reading

What the Retirement Community of the Future May Be Like

(This article previously appeared on Louise Rausa, 72, lived in world-class cities including Paris and New York, and she spent part of her adulthood in co-housing communities in the western United States where residents shared a kitch… Continue reading

Food for Thought: Senior Residences Offering Better Dining Options

Eli Ayoud plates a delicately cooked piece of fish to which he’s added garden-fresh flavor and eye appeal with fresh rosemary. As he delivers the order to the diner and carefully situates the white plate on a linen-covered table in front of her, smiles… Continue reading

Planning Ahead for Assisted Living

Most of us believe there will always be enough time to plan for long-term care. Then, life happens, and all of our hopeful expectations are dashed, including for our loved ones. When all is well, it’s difficult to convince mom, dad, a partner or other … Continue reading

The Basics of Senior Living and Care Communities

If you’re exploring the possibility of a senior living community or long-term care for yourself or a loved one, you’ll soon find there’s a bit of a learning curve related to the different types. One way to think of the scope and variety is in terms of … Continue reading