12 Surprising Benefits of Zumba Workouts

I was never a fan of exercise (or anything requiring too much exertion or sweat) while growing up. Always the last to be picked for teams in my middle-school gym class, I preferred sitting on the sidelines while my classmates competed in push-up marath… Continue reading

Why You Might Want to Consider Getting Back on a Bike

Has it been years since you got on a bicycle because you remember it being uncomfortable? You’re not alone. Lots of people say a bike’s seat hurts their butt, the handles hurt their wrists, they have balance issues or arthritis makes the riding motion … Continue reading

Can a Medication-Exercise Combo Head Off Age-Related Muscle Loss?

(Editor’s note: This article is part of an editorial partnership between Next Avenue and The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR), a national nonprofit whose mission is to support and advance healthy aging through biomedical research.) Nathan … Continue reading

Keeping It Real: 5 tips for avoiding total burnout

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer cautions against letting work take over and shares what he does to avoid burnout. Continue reading

Why Frailty Isn’t Inevitable and How to Prevent It

You know them when you see it. Older adults who appear so fragile that a strong gust of wind might knock them over. They are often exceedingly thin, and their skin is parchment-like. They walk slowly and hesitantly, and may lack the strength to even li… Continue reading

Why Frailty Isn’t Inevitable and How to Prevent It

You know them when you see it. Older adults who appear so fragile that a strong gust of wind might knock them over. They are often exceedingly thin, and their skin is parchment-like. They walk slowly and hesitantly, and may lack the strength to even li… Continue reading

How Much Your Fitness Fades During an Exercise Hiatus

(Editor’s note: This podcast is from The Not Old – Better Show.) We all know that keeping a fitness routine is important for our health — both physical and mental. But life does happen, and sometimes we get thrown off our personal fitness program. In s… Continue reading

How to Successfully Adopt a New Healthy Habit

Tell my massage therapist you’re struggling to stick with a healthy habit of any kind and her reply sounds like something your dental hygienist would say: “Only floss the teeth you want to keep.” That’s a spin, of course, on “use it or lose it.” If you… Continue reading

7 morning habits that’ll set you up for a productive day

In real estate, you have a lot of balls in the air at any given moment, and there are lots of variables that can throw a wrench in your day. Setting yourself up for the best possible outcome every morning is one thing that is in your control. Continue reading