Circa 1910: What you should know about kitchens and bathrooms from the late Edwardian era

The kitchens and bathrooms of 1910 were well planned and functional. Older houses will probably have been upgraded and remodeled, but the footprint of the original will still be in evidence. Continue reading

Circa 1900: Kitchens and baths from the Victorian Age

Although houses and their inhabitants have changed greatly over time, kitchens and bathrooms arguably show the most innovations and adaptations. In his new series, Gerard Splendore examines this evolution. Continue reading

Circa 2000: What agents need to know about aughties home styles

As homes continued to develop into the 21st century, there was a return to traditional aesthetics, updated with modern features and conveniences. Gerard Splendore’s Circa series continues with styles of the 2000s. Continue reading

Circa 1990: What real estate agents need to know about the era’s housing styles

As the end of the millennium approached, homes became more about modern and contemporary styles, with a penchant for customization. Inman contributor Gerard Splendore walks real estate agents through architecture and home styles from the 1990s.
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Circa 1980: What real estate agents need to know about the era’s totally awesome housing styles

The 1980s were a decade of success, excess and flashy expenditures of money in almost all areas of society. Conspicuous consumption was admired and something homeowners aspired to and eagerly sought. Continue reading

Circa: What agents should know about architecture throughout the decades

The American dream has been homeownership for a long time, but boy have the facades and layouts changed over the years. Thankfully, Inman contributor Gerard Splendore is here to walk us through it all. Continue reading

Circa 1960: What real estate agents need to know about housing styles in the 1960s

Housing from the 1960s is characterized by innovations that made residential living more convenient than ever before. Broker Gerard Splendore offers insight into the historical and architectural roots of the decade’s home styles as part of his Circa se… Continue reading

Circa 1950: What real estate agents need to know about housing styles from the 1950s 

Housing in the 1950s is characterized by homogeneous style and post-World War II sensibilities, affluence and family size. Broker Gerard Splendore offers insight into the historical and architectural roots of the decade’s home styles as part of his Cir… Continue reading

Circa 1940: What real estate agents need to know about housing styles in the 1940s

The 1940s saw a blend of influences and trends, driven in large part by the needs of a post-World War II nation. Broker Gerard Splendore offers insight into the historical and architectural roots of the decade’s home styles as part of his Circa series. Continue reading

Circa 1930: What real estate agents need to know about housing styles in the 1930s

The 1930s saw a blend of influences and trends, driven in large part by the impact of the Great Depression. Broker Gerard Splendore offers insight into the historical and architectural roots of the decade’s home styles as part of his Circa series. Continue reading