Want better habits? Use these 3 proven tips to achieve your goals

The good news about habits is that they can be changed, added, modified or broken. There are countless tips and tricks out there for creating new habits, but many experts agree that these three things are helpful for introducing new habits into your da… Continue reading

Want better habits? Use these 3 proven tips to achieve your goals

The good news about habits is that they can be changed, added, modified or broken. There are countless tips and tricks out there for creating new habits, but many experts agree that these three things are helpful for introducing new habits into your da… Continue reading

Learning New Things: No Audience Required

As the instructor was assembling foam dumbbells for her upcoming water aerobics class, I was grateful her busyness kept her from looking my way. Because I was wearing goggles instead of my eyeglasses, her image had a soft blur, as if she were a figure … Continue reading

3 critical areas to organize in your flexible career

Some of the most successful agents in the world are meticulously organized and have a set schedule that they live by. Here are a few organizational tips and tricks you can use to make the most of your not-so-strictly defined job. Continue reading

4 tips for finding the right real estate coach for you

You can’t reach the top without others to push and encourage you to live your best life. If you’re thinking about getting a coach, here’s what you should look for. Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions From the Wisest Americans

The Legacy Project’s interviews with the wisest Americans — more than 1,000 elders — provide these smart New Year’s resolutions.
The post New Year’s Resolutions From the Wisest Americans appeared first on Next Avenue.
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A step-by-step guide to reaching your 2019 business goals

This guide to business planning will walk you through setting SMART goals and creating action plans to achieve them. You’ll make 2019 your best year yet. Continue reading