Real estate investor accused of billion-dollar Ponzi scheme

A California luxury real estate developer whose homes have drawn the attention of Hollywood celebrities was arrested on charges of running a $1.3 billion-Ponzi scheme. Continue reading

Police launch website asking for tips on Realtor’s unsolved murder

In an effort to finally solve the 2011 murder of a young Realtor, Iowa police have launched a website in which the public can submit tips about the crime. Continue reading

Marijuana-friendly cities see uptick in home values: Study

Homeowners who live in cities where recreational marijuana is legal can breathe a sigh of relief: Home values in those area have grown by $6,337 more than homes in towns where marijuana remains illegal. Continue reading

HBO’s John Oliver puts spotlight on mobile home industry

On Sunday, HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver delved into the mobile home industry, otherwise known as the manufactured home or trailer industry. Continue reading

Real estate has no clear strategy for addressing climate change risks

Climate change poses a significant threat to the real estate industry, which has been slow to adopt standards to deal with the rising threat, according to a study published this week by the Urban Land Institute, a nonprofit education and research insti… Continue reading

Lifestyle-driven portal LandOnEarth announces national beta launch

LandOnEarth is a new home search portal now in beta that focuses on lifestyle before availability and helps agents interact and manage their business. Continue reading