How to beat your competitors in multiple offer situations

Buyers are weary in this low-inventory market. Learn options you can use to win their dream home for them in our multiple-offer-on-everything market. Continue reading

Drumroll please! This year’s ICLV theme is…

Real estate is changing fast. Stay ahead of your competition — join thousands of pros at Inman Connect Las Vegas and mingle with the brightest and most successful real estate pros in the business. Continue reading

ICLV featured speaker: Best-selling author Derek Thompson

Inman Connect Las Vegas will feature over 150 speakers, general sessions and niche breakouts. Derek Thompson will keynote, sharing insights on progress and how to find solutions to the world’s toughest problems. Continue reading

Inman Connect is live in NYC this week. Don’t miss out on Vegas

Inman Connect Las Vegas is just four months away. Commit to being there in person to experience the excitement, energy and buzz. Get the lowest price this week. Continue reading

Here’s how to avoid Inman Connect FOMO

Thousands of real estate pros descend on Inman Connect New York this week. Join virtually — plus secure your ticket for the next Inman Connect in Las Vegas! Continue reading

Announcing Inman Connect Las Vegas, August 3-5, 2022

Inman Connect Las Vegas returns this August. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the industry’s best, network with like-minded pros and gain insights into where real estate is headed. Continue reading

Next week: learn how indie brokerages can compete at ICNY

Indie brokers can learn to compete against big-name brokerages from successful pros who are doing it now. Join thousands of your real estate peers at ICNY to get the inside track. Continue reading

ICNY: Is blockchain the future of real estate?

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are changing the way real estate works, opening more doors for more people. Join tech experts next week at Inman Connect New York to learn how you can use blockchain in your real estate business and jump ahead o… Continue reading

ICNY: Are you working in your passion?

Don’t just chase the money. Follow your passion and learn the skills required along the way. You’ll find personal happiness in your career when you love what you do. Find out what it takes at Inman Connect New York in April. Continue reading

ICNY: What do agents want from their brokerages?

Traditional brokerage models are facing an identity crisis and agents’ priorities have shifted. What value is your brokerage offering? Learn creative recruiting strategies to attract the right agents to your brokerage at ICNY in April. Continue reading