The Music of an Unforgettable Trip

Christmas Day 2018 was one of the worst days of my life. Just over a month before, my husband of 32 years, Dale, died two days before Thanksgiving of a sudden massive heart attack. He was only 57 and we had been together since we were teenagers. To say… Continue reading

Married? Widow? Whatever

I was sitting in the office of a new doctor, which is to say, I was filling out a lot of paperwork. There were blank boxes that required my health insurance information. Columns of medical conditions that required Yes/No responses to document my health… Continue reading

Preparing for the Financial Shocks of Widowhood

After reviewing a new survey of widows from Merrill Lynch and Age Wave, I’m worried about the wives of America, or more specifically the wives who, sadly, will likely one day experience the financial shocks of widowhood. Women are more than three times… Continue reading