NAR CEO says he’s ‘not terrified’ of Zillow

Real estate tech giant Zillow Group has been known to rattle Realtors on occasion, especially as it expands its iBuyer program, Zillow Offers, in which it buys homes for all-cash directly from consumers over the internet. But the CEO of the nation’s la… Continue reading

Zillow posts net loss of $67.5M, exceeds revenue expectations

In its first quarter 2019 earnings report released on Thursday, Seattle-based Zillow Group, the operator of listing portals Zillow, Trulia, StreetEasy and, posted a net loss of $ 67.5 million in the first quarter and announced the expans… Continue reading

Back from the dead: Zillow kickbacks lawsuit returns

According to the court filing, the plaintiffs made their case in part through the testimony of two anonymous witnesses who used to work for Zillow as a regional sales manager and a sales and operations trainer, respectively. Continue reading

Civil rights suit may force Zillow to make websites ADA accessible

Two consumers have filed a civil rights lawsuit against Zillow Group seeking to compel the company to make its websites accessible to people with visual disabilities. Continue reading

Appeals court knocks down $4M verdict against Zillow

An appeals court has overturned a lower court’s ruling that Zillow Group willfully infringed on photos belonging to photography firm VHT and sent the case back to a lower court. Continue reading

Bad Zillow info ‘corrupted’ listing price on $150M mansion: Suit

The seller of one of the nation’s most expensive real estate listings is suing real estate giant Zillow Group for $60 million in damages. Continue reading

WATCH: How iBuyer programs are changing your business

With everyone from tech startups to traditional brokerages diving into the fast-cash offer game known as iBuying, it can be tough to keep up with what strategies are working for whom. Get a quick read on the iBuyer landscape and how it’s impacting agen… Continue reading

Zillow stock on the rise as board members double down

After nosediving following the release of its lower-than-expected third-quarter results, Zillow stock is on the rebound and two of its board members are doubling down on the Seattle-based real estate technology company.  Continue reading