3 things Netflix, Airbnb and Google do (that most leaders don’t)

Good leadership is often the difference between a thriving business and a failing one. A great leader cares about their people and prioritizes their needs to ensure a happy and productive work environment. Continue reading

AI will upend content marketing. 4 ways to stay ahead of the curve

Focus on creating high-quality pieces that resonate with your target audience and meet their evolving needs. With the right approach, you can stay ahead of the curve in the age of AI-powered search engines. Continue reading

12 secret and unusual places to recruit amazing talent

Good talent is out there. By taking a different approach to agent and staff recruitment, you can find amazing additions to your team or brokerage. Continue reading

How will AI change your real estate business?

The world is changing. Consultant Chris Pollinger believes that those who embrace the coming wave of AI will outpace their competition exponentially. Continue reading

10 places real estate pros are safe from AI

AI will impact the real estate industry and improve efficiency in many areas. However, there are certain aspects of the industry that will remain unchanged. Continue reading

Don’t let victory become a liability! 3 steps for winning year after year

Winning can be intoxicating, but it can also put you in a comfortable place, complacent even. To avoid that win hangover and ensure your business grows year after year, follow these three steps from performance coach Chris Pollinger. Continue reading

What sailing taught me about finding significance in business and in life

The larger the sails, the larger the base needs to be. A strong hull and mast provide the necessary foundation to harness the wind. The rudder determines the course and keeps the boat on course. Continue reading

Forget training! Focus on skill-building with your team

Mastery starts with role-playing with peers, then graduates to practicing the skills in real-world environments. We can’t teach world-class boxers from behind a desk. They must get into the ring, writes Chris Pollinger.  Continue reading

Get your team back on track! How to bust out of a plateau

If sales have plateaued and your inbox is plagued with problems, it’s time to have a meeting of the minds and get your team back on track. CEO Chris Pollinger recommends these tips to bust out of the rut and get your team back to work. Continue reading