7 tips for finding your focus amid today’s distractions

Despite our best efforts to buffer ourselves from distractions, we will be forced to negotiate thousands of them each day. Broker-owner Pam Blair offers tips to hone your focus and find your center. Continue reading

The path to riches is paved with boredom. Here’s how to get there

There are no shortcuts, no easy routes to victory, team leader Carl Medford writes. The pathway to success takes hours of mastering mundane activities to earn income, but it can lead to an exciting lifestyle that’s anything but boring. Continue reading

Want to be better at prospecting? 10 traits and strategies to adopt

As real estate agents, we are sales professionals. We find customers, we talk to customers, we serve customers. If we are trying to skip any of those steps, we are not doing our jobs. Here are the attitudes and behaviors of the best sales professionals. Continue reading

Focus! 4 simple tips for kicking distractions to the curb

By being too busy and constantly inundated with phone calls, notifications and emails, we have evolved into a culture that covets the grind. It really doesn’t have to be this way. If you follow these tips and prioritize the task at hand, your focus wil… Continue reading