6 steps to developing a foolproof accountability playbook

An accountability playbook can center around your work, health, mindset, relationships or any other component of your life that you’d like to improve. But for it to work, these six components must be present in your accountability partnerships. Continue reading

Want to be better at prospecting? 10 traits and strategies to adopt

As real estate agents, we are sales professionals. We find customers, we talk to customers, we serve customers. If we are trying to skip any of those steps, we are not doing our jobs. Here are the attitudes and behaviors of the best sales professionals. Continue reading

How to find your support system as a newbie

Especially as you begin in real estate, it’s critical to assemble a support system that will carry you through the highs and lows of this business. Here’s what you should do to seek out those who will aid your professional development. Continue reading

New to real estate? Make these 8 things your first-year’s mission

What does a new agent need to do regularly to succeed, grow and be profitable in their business and beyond? Here’s a list of the major things that new agents must do to prosper and succeed in their first year. Continue reading