What Does A Real Estate Agent Do?

From a consumer’s first thought about making a real estate move to actually taking the leap (whether that means right now, next month or three years from now), the agent is incubator, initiator, action-taker, coordinator, scheduler, personal concierge,… Continue reading

6 tips for giving out-of-town buyers next-level service

If you’re helping buyers look for homes from a distance, with only a short trip to make their final decision in person, here’s how to create systems and processes to make working with out-of-town buyers more effective, efficient and rewarding. Continue reading

Are you safe? 4 showing safety tips for agents

If you are at a property alone, it’s a significant safety issue for any member in the industry. Thankfully, as long as you have cellular service at the location, there are multiple options available to keep you safe. Here are a few (free!) ways you can… Continue reading

Facing a buyer’s market? 5 pivots listing agents must make

Based on the numbers and our personal experience of a larger number of prospects shopping but not buying, we suspect the seller’s market is about over. Here are five areas listing agents need to rethink and focus on when buyers are calling the shots. Continue reading

What’s the craziest real estate showing story you’ve ever heard?

Have you ever had a totally bizarre or frightening showing? If you’ve been in the business any length of time, you probably have. In my 30-plus years in real estate, I can safely say Melanie Hurwitz holds the bragging rights to the worst showing ever. … Continue reading