Commit to stellar service when you commit to these 4 pillar principles
In this five-part series, real estate broker Nick Schlekeway provides proven principles to help agents build their businesses the right way. Continue reading
In this five-part series, real estate broker Nick Schlekeway provides proven principles to help agents build their businesses the right way. Continue reading
The power of incremental change is monumental. Small improvements every day will compound into extraordinary results over time, team leader Carl Medford says. Continue reading
For your business to increase, start by identifying the areas you need to decrease, making room for the new growth that is to come, writes Jimmy Burgess. Take action today and the business of your dreams will follow. Continue reading
For your business to increase, start by identifying the areas you need to decrease, making room for the new growth that is to come, writes Jimmy Burgess. Take action today and the business of your dreams will follow. Continue reading
By definition, an entrepreneur organizes and operates a business (or several), takes on greater than normal financial risks to do so, and is willing to risk loss to make money. Real estate agents can be solopreneurs, intrapreneurs or entrepreneurs — th… Continue reading
Skills like leadership, coaching and others needed to run a successful real estate business are not always instinctual, so here are four key points I work by that keep my business thriving and my skill set on point. Continue reading