How to lead meetings that aren’t a waste of time

Effective meeting leadership means having a purpose, sticking to your agenda, being courteous of everyone’s time and assigning clear accountability for action items. Here’s how to facilitate great meetings. Continue reading

3 steps for reevaluating your business goals

Self-evaluation is always important. With limited hours in each day, real estate agents need to figure out how to maximize what they do best. Here are a few things to consider when updating your goals for the year. Continue reading

Keeping It Real: How to master the art of execution

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer goes through the vital steps of following through.  Continue reading

Dollars and Sense: How to get more out of your career

If you’re looking to tap into the potential that your real estate career holds — whether it’s money, satisfaction or enjoyment — we’ve got 10 suggestions for helping you make your job more gratifying this year. Continue reading

When is enough, enough? Don’t overextend for baseless goals

Don’t just pull a random number out of the air. Take time to look at how you want to live, analyze your sales data and develop some real goals. Continue reading

New decade: new you! Four transformative resolutions to try

As 2019 winds to a close, making New Year’s resolutions has an added sense of importance. It’s not just another new year ahead of us, it’s a new decade. Here are four resolutions you can put into practice right now that might transform your life and bu… Continue reading

Agent/broker perspective: How do you keep momentum going?

In this column, Anthony Askowitz explores a hypothetical real estate situation from both sides of the broker/agent dynamic. This month: A veteran agent has had her best production year ever, and she wants to ensure the momentum continues. What can her … Continue reading

How to use the ‘1-7-30’ method to realize your goals

Focusing on realistic and attainable goals is critical when establishing business and personal ambitions. Shorter-term goals allow you to zero in on what needs to be done now to meet them. Here’s how you can plan for the short and long term. Continue reading

Keeping It Real: Achieve your goals by starting small

On this edition of “Keeping It Real,” a recurring podcast series on Inman, Peter Lorimer shares how setting small goals while getting into real estate paved the way for his best life experiences. Continue reading

Want better habits? Use these 3 proven tips to achieve your goals

The good news about habits is that they can be changed, added, modified or broken. There are countless tips and tricks out there for creating new habits, but many experts agree that these three things are helpful for introducing new habits into your da… Continue reading