Easy-peasy tax filing: A simple 5-step roadmap

Tax season is officially underway. Amy Chorew and Maeda Palius share strategies to help you prepare and organize documents so that you can make the process as stress-free as possible. Continue reading

How you should leverage your financial advisor

Wealth manager Chris Snowden shares financial strategies for making the most of your real estate investments with Realtor Amy Chorew and CPA Maeda Palius. Continue reading

Always growing: Surround yourself with trusted advisors

Sisters Amy Chorew and Maeda Palius share why it’s important to surround yourself with a group of trusted advisors to support your personal and business growth. Continue reading

Always growing: Surround yourself with trusted advisors

Sisters Amy Chorew and Maeda Palius share why it’s important to surround yourself with a group of trusted advisors to support your personal and business growth. Continue reading

Leverage your time by using a qualified bookkeeper

Think about the time and effort you spend doing your own bookkeeping, Maeda Palius and Amy Chorew write, then contrast that with profit potential of using that time for income-generating activities. Continue reading

You’re the CEO of your business. Time to plan like it

Sisters Maeda Palius and Amy Chorew offer guidance on developing a comprehensive business plan, so you can better understand your business as you plan for your financial future. Continue reading

It’s that time again: Get tax savvy for 2023 and 2024

Sisters Amy Chorew and Maeda Palius offer tips and the latest insights so you can find out what you need to know to optimize the deductions on your 2023 taxes and plan ahead for next year’s return. Continue reading

Are you a right-brain or left-brain real estate entrepreneur?

Knowing how you think and where your mental and emotional strengths lie can revolutionize the way you do business. Fiscal fitness experts Amy Chorew and Maeda Palius help you think about how you think so that you can plan better and accomplish more. Continue reading

Don’t wait! Get a jumpstart on your financial fitness

It’s never too early to get a jump on long-term business and financial planning, sisters Amy Chorew and Maeda Palius write in their first column for Inman. Continue reading