Moehrl attorney: Market shift after NAR settlement ‘will take time’

Robby Braun, partner at Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll, addresses “misconceptions” about the NAR deal’s impact and says Realtors who try to ignore the changes “will get left behind.” Continue reading

After the NAR settlement, 5 keys to buyer relationship marketing

Agents who see the changes coming and adapt to the new reality by cementing their relationships will be in a position to seize the day as market winds shift, mega-team leader Carl Medford writes. Continue reading

Take the Inman Intel Index survey for March

The Inman Intel Index goes beyond sentiment and trends by tapping into the real estate industry’s most engaged community. Add your voice to the industry’s most ambitious monthly survey today. Continue reading

Thanks to NAR settlement, real estate is in its Wild West era

Bi-coastal broker Cara Ameer outlines the problems, concerns and frustrations inherent in the terms of NAR’s commission lawsuit settlement as agents learn to navigate a new reality. Continue reading