DOJ raises concerns with Nosalek settlement in latest court filing

A Supplemental Statement of Interest filed on Monday by the U.S. Department of Justice argued that the settlement only offers “cosmetic changes” to MLS PIN’s agent compensation rules. Continue reading

MLS PIN pushes back against DOJ in advance of settlement hearing

The court will consider approving the latest deal in the case, which allows commission sharing in the multiple listing system. Continue reading

MLS PIN forges ahead with rule changes over DOJ objections

Effective immediately, listing brokers and agents can submit for-sale listings to the MLS without offering any cooperating compensation to the buyer broker. Continue reading

Judge denies stay order after plaintiffs argue against NAR deal

Attorneys for the plaintiffs in a case now known as Moratis stress that NAR’s proposed settlement won’t stop “a key element of the antitrust conspiracy” and might take years to go into effect. Continue reading

Broker-owned MLSs have forked over millions under NAR opt-in deal

The vast majority of more than 600 multiple listing services nationwide have chosen to opt in to the National Association of Realtors’ commission settlement, according to a new Inman analysis. Continue reading

Mark your calendars: DOJ set to weigh in on multiple antitrust cases

At Inman Connect Las Vegas, July 30-Aug. 1, 2024, the noise and misinformation will be banished, all your big questions will be answered, and new business opportunities will be revealed. Join us. Mark your calendars: The U.S. Department of Justice will… Continue reading

Proposed DOJ ban on commission offers against the law, MLS says

MLS PIN on Monday urged a district court to reject the Department of Justice’s arguments against a settlement with homeseller plaintiffs in the Nosalek antitrust commission case. Continue reading

Buyer appeals Keller Williams, Anywhere, RE/MAX settlements

The franchisors are not required to implement the business practice changes they agreed to until after the appeals process. Continue reading

Will lawsuits end 6% commissions? Probably not, 1 law professor says

A provision in NAR’s settlement barring listing agents from offering buyer agents compensation is “largely symbolic,” USC professor Jordan Barry said Friday at a University of Minnesota conference. Continue reading

MLS PIN, Nosalek plaintiffs seek to delay DOJ response after NAR deal

They asked the court for more time to analyze the impact on their proposed settlement of NAR’s proposed rule change banning the MLS display of commissions offered to buyer brokers. Continue reading