What’s your top prediction for 2022?

After everything we’ve experienced over the past couple of years, it’s understandable if you’re shying away from making any definitive predictions about what’s next. However, if you can’t help but wonder about the future, we invite you to share your 20… Continue reading

What’s your Thanksgiving marketing look like this year?

When it comes to your business, how you making the most of Thanksgiving? Are you doing the old-school, tried-and-true pie giveaway? Tell us how you’re weaving the holiday into your marketing. Continue reading

What has been the biggest change to the indie landscape in 2021?

So much has changed in the real estate industry over the past year — but this week, we’re narrowing it down to indie brokerages. How has the business changed for you, and how are you adapting to those shifts? Continue reading

Indie vs. big box: Which is better for agents today?

A small indie brokerage or a large national player? This week, we want our readers to share their perspectives: Which type of brokerage offers agents the most benefits — especially considering today’s market? Continue reading

Pulse: How are you showing luxury clients appreciation this fall?

In luxury, going that extra mile matters. So, this week, we want to know: How are you nurturing your relationships and expressing gratitude to your past and existing clients? Continue reading

Pulse: What’s your top marketing tip for luxury listings?

How can luxury agents differentiate themselves through marketing? That’s what we’re hoping you’ll help us answer this week. What do you think is the No. 1, most effective and tried-and-true tip when it comes to marketing luxury listings? Continue reading