Recovering the Financial Costs of Caregiving

Family caregivers open their hearts and their minds when caregiving for ailing loved ones. They often open their wallets, too. But there are a few ways you can try to recover the financial costs of caregiving, as experts explain below. According to the… Continue reading

Trump administration proposes massive cuts to HUD

The President’s budget for Fiscal Year 2021 calls for the elimination of block grant programs and a reduction of HUD’s budget by 15 percent. Continue reading

How I Finally Learned to Stop Bleeding Money

“Turn off the lights.” “Why would you go out and spend money for coffee?” I grew up middle-class in the 1950s with a litany of lines like that from my Depression-era mother. Usually, I didn’t listen to them. But now that I’m 70 and figuring out ways to… Continue reading

How I Finally Learned to Stop Bleeding Money

“Turn off the lights.” “Why would you go out and spend money for coffee?” I grew up middle-class in the 1950s with a litany of lines like that from my Depression-era mother. Usually, I didn’t listen to them. But now that I’m 70 and figuring out ways to… Continue reading

Retirement Spending 101: The Do’s and Don’ts

Knowing how to spend your retirement money is often harder and more confusing than knowing how to save it. The basics for saving for retirement are pretty simple. For four, five or even six decades, you painfully learn how to spend less and save more. … Continue reading

Dollars and sense: 10 things financially smart agents already know

In this recurring column on all things agent and broker finance, Jack Gross explains why establishing financially savvy habits starts with self-awareness and how he learned that the hard way. Continue reading

Your 2020 Personal Finance Calendar To-Do List

The start of a new year is when many of us ask ourselves what lies ahead personally, professionally and financially. We happily hang a colorful 2020 calendar, jot down birthdays, upcoming vacations, and other future events. My guess is, however, you do… Continue reading

20 things you need to do before 2020

Our industry is shifting, and as we approach a new decade, I know that the agents who are savvy and willing to be dynamic will come out on top. Here’s what you need to check off the list before the new year rolls around. Continue reading

Figuring Out a Budget for Your College Student

As the mother of two college students, I continue to scratch my head about a simple question. How much do my sons need for spending money, and what portion of it should I provide? Unfortunately, experts say, there’s no one answer, either on the amount … Continue reading

How to become the go-to agent in your neighborhood

The most successful real estate agents dominate specific geographic areas. Here’s how to get started down that road. Continue reading