7 coronavirus-related client concerns and how to respond to them

During this time, buyers and sellers are likely to be fearful, worried and apprehensive. How can they possibly think about buying a home, let alone putting one on the market? Here are some common concerns clients might have — and how to ease them. Continue reading

88% of Coldwell Banker agents impacted by the pandemic

A survey conducted by the Realogy-owned brand hints at how widespread the economic turmoil from the pandemic is becoming. Continue reading

Looking a little rough? Here’s how to keep it cute in quarantine

Feeling a little drab? Need a root touchup? Starting to look like a hippie? Quarantine is rough on the beauty routine and basic upkeep, but worry not! We’ve pulled together some of the top BeauTubers’ (that’s beauty + YouTuber) advice on how to keep it… Continue reading

8 things mortgage lenders do that frustrate agents

When the loan process gets derailed, it can set off an entire contagion of events that create a tremendous amount of stress for all involved. Here are eight things mortgage lenders do that frustrate agents to no end. Continue reading

9 ways buyers sabotage their home purchase

Over the years, we’ve seen tons of advice on what homebuyers shouldn’t do — opening up new lines of credit, changing jobs, taking out loans are all no-nos. But here we’ll expand on some more self-destructive behaviors buyers can’t seem to resist. … Continue reading

11 ways to avoid referral roulette

Agent referrals can be incredibly helpful for both those on the giving and the receiving ends, but they need to be handled with care. Here are 11 ways to avoid a referral gone wrong. Continue reading

7 ways sellers sabotage their home sale

Despite an agent’s proactive efforts, many potential sellers insist on doing things their own way. Sometimes it’s better to tell your sellers what not to do to get your point across. Continue reading

5 myths your sellers probably believe

What the data says, what an agent recommends and what the seller wants are often three different things. Here are five of the biggest discrepancies between expectations and reality. Continue reading

7 things buyers love to point out in the final walk-through

Don’t let last-minute snafus crimp your clients’ real estate transactions. Anticipate what could go wrong, and pay attention to the details to ensure walk-throughs are non-events. Continue reading