Forget training! Focus on skill-building with your team

Mastery starts with role-playing with peers, then graduates to practicing the skills in real-world environments. We can’t teach world-class boxers from behind a desk. They must get into the ring, writes Chris Pollinger.  Continue reading

Get your team back on track! How to bust out of a plateau

If sales have plateaued and your inbox is plagued with problems, it’s time to have a meeting of the minds and get your team back on track. CEO Chris Pollinger recommends these tips to bust out of the rut and get your team back to work. Continue reading

The 4 P’s of great sales management

Great sales management starts with having the right people and creating processes that allow them to succeed, says performance coach Chris Pollinger. That’s what separates them from those who continue to struggle year after year.  Continue reading

The 4 P’s of great sales management

Great sales management starts with having the right people and creating processes that allow them to succeed, says performance coach Chris Pollinger. That’s what separates them from those who continue to struggle year after year.  Continue reading

The 4 P’s of great sales management

Great sales management starts with having the right people and creating processes that allow them to succeed, says performance coach Chris Pollinger. That’s what separates them from those who continue to struggle year after year.  Continue reading

A recipe exists to build a sustainable team; read some of the ingredients

Inman reached out to industry experts and team leaders, who shared insights based on first-hand experience about what works and what doesn’t. Here’s what they had to say. Continue reading

5 essential questions every team leader needs to ask

As we head into a new year, what are you doing to drive profit and create value for your team members and clients? Here are five questions every team leader should ask themselves to help them determine just that. Continue reading

Team losing momentum? 5 tips for a successful turnaround

Whether it’s a loss of momentum or a full on team crisis, turnarounds are tough, but not impossible. They take a lot of hard work, and seasoned turnaround leadership consultant Chris Pollinger would know. Here are five steps that he’s seen teams use to… Continue reading

Get it done! 5 steps for mastering the art of execution

How do you translate that fantastic vision and mission statement into practice? Chris Pollinger, who works with high-performance teams at Berman & Pollinger says you can master the art of execution by focusing on these five critical steps. 
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10 time-management rules elite real estate teams swear by

Why do some agents break the mold and achieve superstar status with ease while others struggle? Chris Pollinger, who works with top teams as a partner at Berman & Pollinger, says that in his experience, elite real estate pros consistently integrat… Continue reading