Communication is half the battle: 4 ways to ensure team cohesion

Team cohesion, as much as it mattered before, matters more now. Team members want to be engaged and in the loop. It falls upon management to ensure that happens. Here’s how to foster better connections and keep everyone on the same page. Continue reading

Are in-person tours dead? Not so fast

Virtual tours are alive and well. In fact, they are improving all the time as technology continues to evolve. However, even though virtual tours help spark that initial connection between client and home, in-person tours are what seal the deal. Here’s … Continue reading

Renting vs. buying: Here are some points to ponder 

Given current market conditions, there really are no bargains, so it comes down to what a given individual wants — financially and personally. Here’s what to consider in the buying versus renting debate. Continue reading

How this multifamily investor keeps his team on the same page

There are two keys to effective decision-making — assembling the right team and establishing a vision for that team. Here’s how one investment firm works aligns everyone with company goals. Continue reading

How technology has shaped multifamily marketing

Even before the pandemic forced everyone to digitally transform, we as an industry had committed to a marketing strategy that was customer- and content-centered. Here’s how we’ve leveraged technology in a way that’s most beneficial to potential tenants. Continue reading

In the multifamily space, these tech tools have become indispensable

Certainly, other tech developments lie ahead, but in general, it can be said that innovation has enabled those in the multifamily space to do their jobs better — and that was the case well before the pandemic. Continue reading

4 ways to get a leg up on the competition in the multifamily space

The multifamily space is continuing to evolve, and investors must do the same. In such an environment, it pays to be aggressive when an opportunity emerges — but only while doing the requisite homework within your area of expertise. Continue reading