Inventory insanity: Notes from ‘exhausted’ agents on the front lines of a crazy market

“There is no middle class any more,” one industry leader said of working in real estate this year. “You’re either crushing it or you’re struggling.” Continue reading

Foreclosure activity continues to decline in March

Sixty-one percent of U.S. markets saw foreclosure activity drop below pre-recession levels last month, but the numbers come with “a huge caveat.” Continue reading

Inman’s state-by-state guide to evictions, rent and foreclosures

Rent and mortgage payments are due. Different states have different strategies for people who can’t pay during the pandemic. We’re updating this post as the situation evolves. Continue reading

Ways to digitize every stage of your sales funnel during the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic is forcing agents to do much more of their previously face-to-face business over a computer. Here are a few novel ways to make it work. Continue reading

‘Newsday’ investigation shows that fair housing training needs to be relatable

The “Newsday” investigation shows that we need to do better with fair housing training. Let’s go beyond looking at laws and start building an awareness of what fair housing means in human terms. Continue reading

Are open houses too dangerous to justify?

Following a wave of headlines about open house-related crime, agents say safety issues are a growing concern in the real estate industry. Continue reading

Do open houses still work?

On the 100th anniversary of the open house, a growing number of agents are debating their relevance. Others are simply walking away from the time-honored practice. Continue reading

Oregon moves to nix single-family zoning, continues a national trend

Oregon lawmakers voted to eliminate single-family zoning in any city with more than 25,000 people. The bill would legalize duplexes and other “missing middle” housing in neighborhoods that previously only allowed single-family homes. Continue reading

HUD Sec. Ben Carson wants more cities to ditch single-family zoning

Carson — who leads the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) — made his comments Tuesday during a visit to Minneapolis, where lawmakers voted last year to ditch single-family zoning, which had previously dominated the city limits. Spea… Continue reading

Nationwide foreclosure starts rise for first time in 3 years

Foreclosure starts increased by less than 1 percent year-over-year in July after 36 consecutive months of decreases, according to Attom Data Solutions. Continue reading