Luxury listings will now follow you around the web

The new product will allow brokerage and luxury listing platform Luxury Portfolio International to deliver targeted ads from the 50,000 properties it markets across the web. After someone views a property on Luxury Portfolio’s website, they’ll start se… Continue reading

Homesnap has created the Instagram Stories of real estate

Homesnap has launched a new feature that lets agents create short, Instagram-esque posts about their listings, which can be then shared on social media. Continue reading

RE/MAX’s new video tool kicks off 2019 marketing blitz

The company is preparing to launch its 2019 outdoor, radio, digital, TV and social media ads, and the first spots will tout the company’s new free video advertising platform for its more than 120,000 agents. Continue reading

Getting Advertisers to Think Differently About Aging

Do you ever feel that advertisers and marketers don’t understand, or really speak to, people over 50? That they’re missing what 21st century aging is all about? Then you’ll be interested to see what advertising executive Nadia Tuma-Weldon says. She’s t… Continue reading

Facebook slashes 5,000 targeted ad options after HUD complaint

Facebook is making changes to company advertising policy in an effort to slash thousands of options that allow advertisers to target certain ethnicities and engage in discriminatory advertising. Continue reading