What agents need to talk about when they talk about commissions

Now that Anywhere has announced a deal on the bombshell commission lawsuits, it’s time to take a look at the way you communicate with buyer clients moving forward. Trainer and author Bernice Ross offers a step by step guide to make sure you’ve got your… Continue reading

Creativity sells: How to help buyers see a world of possibilities

Buyer sentiment is at an all-time low, but there are still options out there for buyers who are a little more open-minded. Help them expand their view and find the right home, even in a challenging market. Continue reading

TopOffer.com eliminates seller-paid commissions by charging buyers

In a new model launched at SXSW, TopOffer.com charges buyers 3 percent commission: 2.5 percent for the company and 0.5 percent to the buyer’s agent. Continue reading