New Alabama law allows buyers to tour homes without contract

Alabama Association of Realtors CEO Jeremy Walker said the association was in favor of buyer-broker agreements in general, but felt that requiring one for a home tour put buyers under unnecessary duress, and that the new law would be in the consumer’s … Continue reading

Consumer watchdog holds up new eXp seller contract as model

A new draft seller contract that eXp Realty is distributing to its brokers and agents is largely consistent with a newly issued set of criteria from the Consumer Federation of America, the watchdog group said this week. Continue reading

Consumer watchdog develops new standard to assess buyer contracts

After brokerages and MLSs reached out, the Consumer Federation of America created criteria focused on whether agreements are readable, understandable, and fair to buyers. Continue reading

How far would you go to protect your buyer clients? The Download

The Consumer Federation of America, an industry watchdog, says that the buyer agreements you’re depending on are woefully inadequate to properly protect homebuyers. Continue reading