Matterport posts Q3 revenue gains while narrowing its losses

The virtual tour software company posted $38 million in revenue, up from $28.4 million in Q2, while avoiding headwinds that have ensnared others in the real estate space, according to earnings on Thursday. Continue reading

‘Is now a good time to buy a home?’: Here’s how to answer

It’s the question everyone is asking right now, and the answer depends in part on your knowledge of the market and in part on the client’s personal perspective. Jimmy Burgess talks to David Childers, president of Keeping Current Matters, to determine h… Continue reading

9 steps for getting buyers the best deal in a down market

To flourish as the market changes, real estate agents need to be able to provide comprehensive and meaningful service to buyers. Author and trainer Bernice Ross offers strategies to help eager homebuyers get the most for their buying power. Continue reading

Are you missing a quarter of potential clients with your marketing?

Who do you picture when you’re writing your property descriptions or choosing photographs? Make sure that you’re creating an inclusive image of all types of potential buyers, including those with disabilities. Continue reading

CredEvolv coaches homebuyers to help them qualify for mortgages

Integration with Freddie Mac’s HomeCoach tool lets housing counselors access automated underwriting tools used by mortgage lenders. Continue reading

It’s time for the mortgage industry to create meaningful options for homebuyers

Although mortgage companies go all-in on layoffs and bemoan the state of the industry, they’re failing to provide truly helpful solutions that would reassure buyers and get them into homes. Broker Troy Palmquist calls on big banks and MLSs to promote s… Continue reading

9 questions every first-time homebuyer should ask to find the right fit

Helping today’s first-time homebuyer find the perfect fit is all about finding out what makes them unique — and finding the perfect place for them to feel at home.  Continue reading

UWM can rapidly scale new loans that lack title insurance

The wholesale lender is hiring and training lawyers to generate attorney opinion letters in-house in order to meet what the company expects to be strong demand. Continue reading