New York City hot dog icon Papaya King saved following Extell eviction

The 91-year-old hot dog stand — once thought to be doomed — will instead move across the street after its building was purchased by a developer Extell Development and founder Gary Barnett. Continue reading

KC Conway on a big banking risk that has flown under the radar

Hundreds of banks are exposed to large concentrations of commercial real estate — and high levels of risk, Red Shoe Economics’ K.C. Conway, a seasoned Federal Reserve veteran, told Intel. Continue reading

WeWork hits an earnings milestone in Q4 — but remains deep in the red

The embattled coworking giant posted a 75 percent quarterly gain in earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization — but still shouldered $26 million in losses, according to Q4 earnings on Thursday. Continue reading

WeWork’s losses decline in Q2 as workers returned to the office

Net loss decreased 31 percent year over year as office occupancy returned to pre-pandemic levels, according to a Q2 earnings report released Thursday by WeWork. Continue reading

Cherre’s property smarts to inform investors through DealCloud

Intapp will leverage Cherre’s functionality for its DealCloud product, described by the company as a “complete deal, relationship, and pipeline management solution for financial services firms.” Continue reading

TestFit receives $20M to enhance construction feasibility solution

TestFit’s interactive, AI-powered real estate feasibility software consolidates data from multiple phases of construction preplanning, to arrive at groundbreaking weeks ahead of what traditional methods allow. Continue reading

From Airbnb to Zillow: How real estate is dealing with Ukraine crisis

As U.S. businesses withdrew from Russia, Inman surveyed the nation’s top real estate companies. Read on to see how 23 of the industry’s most notable companies have responded to the conflict. Continue reading

Now’s the time to invest in small-town commercial real estate. Here’s why

Although any property investment presents a mix of risks, drawbacks and rewards, there are many small towns that offer great real estate investment opportunities far and above what the big city can present. Continue reading

Inman Review: Property managers have a smart, efficient partner in Leonardo247

Leonardo247 is a mobile and browser app that serves as a bonding agent between the known and unknown of managing multiple large apartment communities. Continue reading