‘Our presence was widely noticed, our energy was contagious, and we had a ton of fun!’

Attending Inman Connect is part of the 2022 roadmap for many top brokerages. Inman Connect Las Vegas is coming up in August and tickets are moving quickly. Learn more about attending and group packages! Continue reading

Here’s what real estate team leaders need to do as the market shifts

Many agents entered real estate during a moment of unprecedented growth. Veteran team leaders at Connect Now shared their tips on how to guide agents through a market that isn’t as strong. Continue reading

WATCH: Exclusive interview with Anywhere CEO Ryan Schneider today at Connect Now

In today’s Connect Now, Brad Inman is sitting down with Ryan Schneider, CEO of Anywhere, formerly Realogy, to discuss what the new name and branding means for the future of the company. Watch the clip now. Continue reading

ICNY: Opportunities don’t just happen

Inman Connect New York starts tomorrow. Get your virtual ticket, and don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the industry’s best, network with like-minded pros, and gain insights into where real estate is headed. Continue reading

How rising mortgage rates will affect the market and what you can do about it

In this month’s Inman Connect Now, learn how rising mortgage rates are hitting the real estate market and how you can leverage tech to scale your business fast. Continue reading

How to beat your competitors in multiple offer situations

Buyers are weary in this low-inventory market. Learn options you can use to win their dream home for them in our multiple-offer-on-everything market. Continue reading

Drumroll please! This year’s ICLV theme is…

Real estate is changing fast. Stay ahead of your competition — join thousands of pros at Inman Connect Las Vegas and mingle with the brightest and most successful real estate pros in the business. Continue reading

ICLV featured speaker: Best-selling author Derek Thompson

Inman Connect Las Vegas will feature over 150 speakers, general sessions and niche breakouts. Derek Thompson will keynote, sharing insights on progress and how to find solutions to the world’s toughest problems. Continue reading

The proof is in the P&L: Industry execs’ tips for a profitable brokerage

At Inman Connect New York on Thursday, a panel of industry leaders offered specific strategies for bringing financial accountability to a brokerage. The short of it? Mind your P&L statements. Continue reading

Inman Connect is live in NYC this week. Don’t miss out on Vegas

Inman Connect Las Vegas is just four months away. Commit to being there in person to experience the excitement, energy and buzz. Get the lowest price this week. Continue reading