7 power moves top agents are making right now

Is your desire to grow your business this year? What are you doing right now that your competition isn’t? According to Jimmy Burgess, by focusing on optimizing the efficiencies in your business and serving others with the highest level of service possi… Continue reading

23 tech tools to make 2023 easier

We live in an amazing time with unprecedented tools and technology, writes Jimmy Burgess. By tapping into the leverage these tools provide, your business can’t help but grow. Continue reading

The No. 1 opportunity for listings this market expert sees in 2023

This is the market where opportunity abounds for the diligent, professional agent. Homeowners who have been unable to sell their homes need your expertise. Continue reading

23 binge-worthy real estate YouTube channels

YouTube offers some of the real estate industry’s best. Social media expert Jessi Healey rounded up 23 real estate YouTube accounts worth binging to inspire, educate and inform you. Continue reading

23 video content ideas every real estate agent should make in 2023

Whether you’re going all in on video in 2023 or creating your first, these 23 video content ideas from Jimmy Burgess will get you in front of more potential clients, position you as the local expert and get your creative juices flowing. Continue reading

On a budget? 10 lead sources with no upfront costs

If you’re looking for a way to keep your upfront costs down but still have a steady flow of leads coming into your business, Jimmy Burgess recommends these companies. Continue reading

9 lead generation strategies that work every time

According to Jimmy Burgess, lead gen is not about reinventing the wheel. Act consistently on these tried-and-true strategies and your lead-generation efforts will start out strong in 2023. Continue reading

7 things your competition hopes you won’t do

If you slack off or lose focus on certain aspects of your business, your competition will benefit — and they know it. Here is Jimmy Burgess’ list of the top things your competition hopes you slack off on. Continue reading