Pasadena ADU program offers second shot at affordable housing

To qualify, applicants must have owned and occupied the main property for at least five years, maintain a credit score above 650 and have a debt-to-income ratio below 40 percent. Continue reading

7 tips for guiding homebuyers through the VA loan process

Are your clients considering a Veterans Affairs home loan? Let Clever Real Estate’s Luke Babich walk you through the most common pain points to help ease the process for your buyers. Continue reading

Real estate agents received billions in PPP loans during the pandemic

More than $3.9 billion in pandemic-relief loans went to single-employee real estate entities, according to a new report. Nearly 80 percent of that amount was forgiven. Continue reading

Why sellers are shunning FHA and VA offers

FHA and VA loans are essential to first-time buyers, who account for about four out of every five FHA purchase loans. However, in today’s market, sellers are quick to dismiss offers that come with this type of financing. Here’s why. Continue reading